Reevaluate Your Relationship with Alcohol

Whether you choose to drink or not, you have a relationship with alcohol, a readily available and socially acceptable substance that has the power both to add to celebrations and to destroy lives. If you’re considering reducing or eliminating alcohol from your...

A Pharmacist and Pastor Talks Mental Health

Medications for mental health disorders can be a tricky subject, especially among Christians. If you’ve been prescribed something for your depression, anxiety, or mood, chances are your doctor didn’t have time to explain to you how the medicine would work...

How to Have a Stress-Busting Spiritual Life

Is stress just the standard mode of operation in our modern society? It seems like everyone you meet is “busy” or “overwhelmed.” What if you could learn to use spiritual practices to have more of the rest and abundant life that Jesus talked...

Integrative Steps to Improve Your Mental Health

Many of us can improve our mental health by taking a few simple steps for our whole health–body, mind, and spirit. By working with an integrative health practitioner, you can find out how to get the bad stuff out and the good stuff in. Our guest today works with...

Parenting Teens in Crisis

If your teen has strayed or struggled, you might feel very alone as a parent. Our guest today has experienced it all with her parenting journey: from adoption, to body image, to self-harm, to jail time, all contributing to her own struggling health and relationships....

Money and Marriage

Ever had a fight with your partner about finances? Or made a money decision that you didn’t really want to share with your partner? Financial stress is one of the leading causes of relationship breakdown, so it’s imperative that husbands and wives learn to...

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy for Christians

A field of study is emerging around psychedelics, promising quicker resolution to trauma and relief from depression. But is it legitimate? Should Christians consider using ketamine, MDMA, or other varieties of psychedelics to heal? What spiritual implications, if any,...

Daring to Be an Underachiever

Are you driven to rack up accomplishments, only to feel like you’re never doing enough? Our guest Rachael Jenneman understands how it feels to look like you’re doing all the things on the outside, but on inside you feel like an underachiever. She’ll...

How to Gain Secure Attachment with God

Attachment refers to our styles of relating to our caregivers from our earliest moments. It shapes the way we carry out business, connect in relationships, and parent our kids. It even colors the way we connect to God. Reverend Summer Gross is here to show us how God...

Navigating Miscarriage

One in four pregnancies results in miscarriage, so chances are, you or someone you know has dealt with the specific, private kind of grief that comes from a lost pregnancy. How can we as Christians respond in a faithful, loving way to the reality of miscarriage? How...