Honest Talk about Divorce for Christians

No one heads to the altar planning for a divorce someday. We think that as Christians we should be able to beat the odds. Our churches are not set up to minister to people going through this life-altering split. That’s what our guest noticed when he was...

Understanding Self-Injury

When life feels out of control and the pain in unbearable, some of us turn to self-injury for a sense of relief. Rather than wanting to die, many people with self-injurious behaviors simply want a reliable way to quiet the noise. Unfortunately, like other attempts at...

Top 3 Ways to Beat Panic and Anxiety

As a therapist, one of Ann’s top skills is helping anxious and panicking people learn how to regulate their minds and bodies so that a “swirly” mind and edgy body don’t interrupt life. In this solo episode, Ann unpacks the “first line of...

Emotions and Jesus

Have you been told not to trust your emotions? Or have you inadvertently learned that your mind is more important to your faith than your feelings? Jesus actually has something to say about our emotions! He shows us His own emotions and shapes the emotions of His...

Fasting for Your Health

Most Christians know that Jesus talks about fasting in the Gospels, but many of us don’t have a regular practice of fasting or even understand it. Dr. Tabatha was a conventionally trained OB/GYN struggling with her own health when she went back to study...